

Carry out studies, diagnoses and treatments of cardiac and circulatory system diseases with the best outcomes to provide quality of life to your patients. Get the proper supplies for treatments such as cardiac electrophysiology, intervention cardiology, nuclear cardiology, cardiac rhythm disorders, echocardiography, cardiac rehabilitation, intensive cardiology rehabilitation and coronary unit.


Stent platform optimized for delivery to the coronary lesion. Largest cell openings and lowest longitudinal stent deformation of 2nd Generation DES

• Pushability

• Trackability

• Cell opening diameter

• Longitudinal compression

* Product only available in Honduras

BioMatrix Alpha™

BioMatrix Alpha ™ presents the best stent platform design in its class with a unique pro-healing coating from the pioneer in biodegradable abluminal technology.

It combines the proven safety of a DES with an abluminal biodegradable polymer, the proven efficacy of BA9 ™ and an innovative design of a chrome-cobalt stent platform.


Powerline ™ advanced catheter technology is designed to offer the right balance of PUSH, TRACK and CROSS to ensure optimal placement and expansion of the balloon:

• Push
The PTFE coated hypotube in combination with the transition of the power stylet on the central axis provides the right balance between the pushing capacity and the tracking capacity.

• Track
The combination of the Slip-X ™ hydrophilic coating and the flexible distal shaft ensure excellent traceability and cross-ability for complex lesions or tortuous anatomy.

• Cross
The flexible section of the low profile tip with a smooth transition and short adhesion offers a gradual increase towards the ball to facilitate the entry of the lesion.

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The best transfusion equipment available with cascade and fine filters to allow for easy handling patients, maximizing filtering capacity and high flow.  


TERUFLEX blood bags are globally recognized for high-quality collection, processing and storage. They are produced without natural rubber latex and packed for protection during storage.

• CPD/OPTISOL® Anticoagulant and Additive Solution

• CPDA-1 Anticoagulant


Blood bag system with leukocyte reduction filter with diversion blood sampling arm and preinstalled Luer adaptor and tube support.

• 500 ml Collection bags

• Triple blood bag

• Catalog No. 1BB*LGQ506A6

• 15/case


Blood bag system with integral leukocyte reduction filter with diversion blood sampling arm

• 500 ml Collection bags

• Triple blood bag

• Catalog No. 1BB*WGQ506A2

• 18/case


Blood transfusion equipment/Sundry (Latex-free).

• 500 ml Collection bags

• Triple blood bag

• Catalog No. 1BB*WGQ506A2

• 18/case


It is an industry-leading therapeutic apheresis, cell processing and cell collection platform that allows operators to spend more time focusing on patient care. This advanced system uses optical detection technology and continuous-flow centrifugation, providing operators the ability to perform a wide variety of apheresis procedures on a single platform

• 500 ml Collection bags

• Triple blood bag

• Catalog No. 1BB*WGQ506A2

• 18/case

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Offer your patients the necessary supplies to correct or prevent deformities or trauma of the musculoskeletal system of the human body. This will allow you to perform diagnosis, treatments, regeneration and prevention of injuries and diseases of the muscular system.

Zimmer Biomet

MDN Nail Antegrade Femoral

Clavo Cloqueado Fémur

MDN Nail Tibial

Clavo Cloqueado Tibia

MDN Nail Retrograde Femoral

Clavo Bloqueado Retrogrado

MDN Nail Humeral

Clavo Bloqueado Humero

Versa FX II

Placa Versa

VerSys / Fiber Metal Tadper / Trilogic

Prótesis Total Cadera


Prótesis Revisión Rodilla

VerSys CRC

Prótesis Revisión Cadera

ZPS Small Frag Plates

Placas Pequeños Fragmentos

Periarticular Locking Plate System

Placas Periarticulares


Prótesis Total Rodilla


Cross FT 4.5 MM y 5.5 MM

• Para lesiones de manguito rotador
• Material Peek (Poly ether ether ketone)
• Cargada con triple sutura HiFi #2
• Doble rosca, cortical y esponjoso
• out 4.5mm – 466N / 5.5mm – 582N
R.S NO E236771MM


• Para reparación de manguito de una o doble hilera • material biocompuesto: Betafosfato Tricalcico (micro TCP) • Cargada con 3 suturas HiFi #2 • pull Out 4.5mm – 462N / 5.5mm – 487N R.S NO DM2965E

POPLOK 3.5 MM Y 4.5 MM

• Para lesiones de manguito rotador • Material Peek (Poly ether ketone) • Ancla sin nudos, se puede tensionar la sutura individualmente, antes de activar el ancla • Se puede cargar con 2 3 y 4 suturas HiFi +2 • Pull out – 142N / 3 – 70N R.S NO E236771MM


• Para lesiones de manguito rotador
• Material de titanio
• Doble sutura HiFi +2
• Se atornilla directo al hueso, no requiere iniciador
• Pull Out 439N
R.S NO E236771MM


• Para reparación de labrum, mano y codo
• Material de titanio
• Trae 1 sutura de poliester#2 + 1 sutura HiFi
• Ancla para precargar la sutura
• pull out 302N
R.S NO DM2539E

PRESS FT 2.1 MM 2.6 MM

• Para lesiones de labrum, SLAP
• Material Peek (Poli Ether Ketona)
• Perforar huesos, colocar ancla y completar la
• Cargado con I sutura HiFi +2
• Pull ON
R.S NO DM4196E


• Para reparación de bankart, SLAP
• Material biocompuesto Betafosfato Tricalsico
• Cargado con 1 sutura HiFi # 2
• Pequeña, fuerte y versátil
• Menor remoción de huesos
Pull out 21 On
R.S N DM4196E


• Para lesiones de bankart, SLAP, biceps tenodesis
e inestabilidades crónicas de tobillo lateral
• Material sutura HiFi super resistente de un alto
peso molecular no absorbible
• Cargada con 1 sutura HiFi 42
• Pull out 25ON
R.S NO DM2402E


• Sistema de telescopaje de fácil colocación
• Matenal átex semi flexible
• Medidas 8_0mrT1 x 75rnm (color rojo)
8.0mm x 85mm (color amarill o)
7.0 mm x 85mm (color azul)
5.0ff11T1 x 85mm (color verde)
R.S NOE231241MM


• Con rosca en la parte distal atraumática estando
en la capsula Material látex flexible
• Medidas 8.0rnrn x 85rnm (color amarillo)
7.0mm x 85mm (color azul )
5.0mm x 85mm (color verde)
R.S NO E231241MM


• Para reparación de ACL y PCL
• Sistema de fijación extra cortical
• Para trabajar por portal antero medial
• Con guías anatomicas
R.S NO DM2539E


• De fác manejo
• Respuesta inmediata
• De alto flujo
• Mantiene la distensión incluso en situaciones
R.S NO DB1330E


• Great white 4.2mm (agresivo)
• Full radius resector 3.5 y 4.2mm (partes blandas)
• Gator 2.0, 2.9 y 4.2mm (semi-agresivo)
• Oval bur 4.0 y 5.0mm (fresa)
• Fresa esférica 2.9 y 5.5mm (fresa)
R.S NO E293741MM


• Sistema de reparación de tejidos blandos
• Ganchos de sutura desechables de 45 5-1
• Mango ergonómico
• Pasador de sutura versátil
• Las ruedas grandes facilita pasar suturas de monofilamento de
medidas 2-0 y el super shuttle de linvatec
R.S NO E272941MM


• Para Acl Pcl, Fijación Hueso Tendón Hueso
• Tornillo interferencial biocompuesto, osteoconductivo y
biocompatible 96L/4D PLA y B-TCP
• Compuesto de Betafosfato tricalcico
• Diámetro 8mm y 9mm
• Longitud 20mm, 25mm y 30mm
• Canulado
• Tiempo de absorción 2 a 4 años
R.S NO DM1709E


• Minimiza el trauma en la reparación de los meniscos
• Ofrece una sutura con cierre de tacos lo que proporciona una
reparación sin nudos
• Permite completar la reparación del menisco sin salir de la articulación
• Minimiza el tiempo quirúrgico
R.S NOE272741MM


• Para cadena, hombro y rodilla
• Medidas 3.2mm diámetro y 150mm largo
• Ángulo 900
• Botones de manejo integrado al mango
• Electrodo monopolar
• Coagulación 30 watts (coag).
• Ablación 70 watts (corte)
R.S NO DM2000E


• Para articulaciones pequeñas muñeca, codo y tobillo
• Medidas 2.5mm de diámetro x 60mm de largo
Ángulo 900 y 300
• Electrodo monopolar
• Se conecta a lapiz del electrocauterio

Y-Knot RC

Self Punching All-Suture Anchor with HI-Fi Tape

Signature Series TM

Burs And blades


Biocomposite Suture Anchors for Bankart and SLAP Repairs

Hall 50 TM

Powered Instruments System

Trinity TM

The All-in One HD Video Platform

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Find innovation with Elliquence and Zimmer Biomet, state-of-the-art first-quality products focused on reducing pain and facilitating patient recovery in their spine treatments and procedures.


Surgi-Max Ultra IEC6-SU170

• Patented Radio wave Monopolar/Bipolar Technology
• Unparalleled Precision, Versatility, Safety
• Monopolar Incision, Dissection, Resection
• Non-Stick Bipolar Performance

Surg- PakTM SP-01: 4 Electrodes & 1 Handpiece

• Convenient all-in-one kit
• Quick change electrodes
• Secure spin free electrodes
• Multiple procedure functionality
• 3 modality activation control
• Comfort rubber grip
• Ergonomic design

Trigger-Flex® Dart

DTFD-24: Working Length: 24cm (Compatible with 16 gauge Spine Needle)
DTFD-13: Working Length: 13cm (Compatible with 16 gauge Access Needle)

Trigger-Flex® Mini

DTFM: Working Length:31cm, OD: 2.3mm

Trigger-Flex® Quad

DTFQ: Working Length: 31cm, OD: 5.5mm x 3.5mm


BT-FT: Working Length: 25cm

Micro Bipolar (Sterile/Single Use)

“CBS-A: Angled, Working Length: 12cm
CBS-S: Straight, Working Length: 12cm”

Cobbra™ (Sterile/Single Use)

RF-COBB/M: Working Length: 12.7cm, Tip Dia: 0.5in

Disc-FX® System

Bipolar Guidewires
Depth Stop
Cannula, Beveled
Cannula, Straight
Tapered Dilator

Disc-FX® Mini System (Sterile/Single Use)

Bipolar Guidewires
Depth Stop
Cannula, Beveled
Cannula, Straight
Tapered Dilator

Zimmer Biomet

Cervical Cage with VerteBRIDGE

• Ease of use: ROI-C surgical technique requires fewer steps than a traditional ACDF (with plate and screws).
• An open mini technique allows less retraction.
• ROI-C with VerteBRIDGE offers a complete solution for an anterior cervical fusion.
• No hardware protrudes from the front of the vertebral body.

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With our Ethical product line you will be able to prevent, cure and offer relief for any type of ophthalmological diseases, symptoms or sequels. In-hospital, prescription and over-the-counter medications cover all type of needs. We always think about the quality of life your clients.

Antiallergic and
Artificial tears

Antiallergic and Decongestant

Citol Aler®

Ketotifen 0,05%

Citol A + T®

Antazoline + Tetrahydrozoline


Naphazoline + Dextran 70 + Premium Methoxel

Alergiol® Forte

Olopatadine 2 mg


Olopatadine 2 mg


Citol Ciprofloxacina®

Ciprofloxacin 0,3%

Citol Clor®

Chloranphenicol 5 mg

Citol Dexa + Tobra®

Dexamethasone + Tobramycin

Citol Gent®

Gentamicina 0,3%

Citol® Moxifloxacina

Moxifloxacina 0,5%

Citol NPD®

NeoMicina + Polimixina + Dexametasona

Citol TDT®

Tobramycin + Dexamethasone + Tetrathydrozoline

Citol Tobramicina®

Tobramicina 0,3%


Citol Astenopia®

Pilocarpina HCI + Ioduro de potasio


Citol Plusvita®

Sodium iodine + Esculin + Vitamin B1 + Vitamin B2



Gatifloxacina 3mg


Brimotim 2mg + Timolol 5mg


Lanoprost 50pg/ml

Citol Brim®

Brimonidina 0,2%

Citol Dorzo®

Dorzolamida 2%

Citol Dorzotim®

Dorzolamida + Timolol


Citol VIT®

Vitamina A + Tiamina HCI + Riboflavina + Niacinamida


Citol dexa®

Dexametasona 0,1%

Citol Fluorometolona®

Fluorometolona 01%

Citol fluorote®

Fluorometolona + Tetrahidrozolina HCI


Bromfenac 0,09%


Loteprednol Etabonato 2mg/ml


Loteprednol Etabonato 5mg/ml


Prednisolona 1%

Artificial tears

Citol Lágrimas artificiales®


Dextran 70 + Hidroxipropimetilcelulosa


Hialuronato de sodio 1mg/ml

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Choose the solution you need:

We carry products from worldwide leading companies with state-of-the-art technology. We are also involved in high-capacity research and development, clinical studies and restorative and digital solutions including digital Implantology.

T3 Implants

Preservation by Design ®

The T3 implant is designed to deliver aesthetic results through tissue preservation.

• Contemporary hybrid surface provided by complex multi-surface topography.

• Seal integrity provided by a stable and tight abutment/implant interface.

• Integrated platform switching.

* Product available in the Caribbean

T3® Short implants

Implant treatment options for deficiencies in vertical height.

The T3 short implant’s length and features are designed to provide an implant treatment option in some challenging clinical cases where the bone height is insufficient for standard-length implants.

•Initial bone-to-implant contact (IBIC) •Implant/abutment clamping force •Platform switching
* Product available in the Caribbean

Clinical studies on the Osseotite Surface continue to document the benefits of increased contact osteogenesis, especially in poor-quality bone.

The Osseotite Implant features an acid-etched surface designed to facilitate osseointegration.

• Numerous studies report 98%.cumulative success rates

• Facilitates the osseointegration process

• Demonstrates high implant contact with the new bone

• Human histology with demonstrated high bone-to-implant contact.

* Product available in the Caribbean and Costa Rica
Trabecular Metal™ Dental Implants

The BioBoost effect is a multiplication of naturally-occurring growth factors to deliver faster healing and earlier bone formation than with traditional implants.

RAPID RECOVERY:Accelerate recovery with a 2-week final loading protocol. RISK MANAGEMENT: Expand the treatment of poor bone and impaired healing. REVISION THERAPY: Leverage the healing in implant replacement.
Eztetic™ Implant 3.1mm

It is strong, aesthetic solution for narrow anterior. By combining an innovative implant design, a conical, double Friction-Fit™ connection and surgical protocol, 3.1-mmD Eztetic implant can deliver beautiful and long-lasting smiles.

• Cement-retained restorations

• Tissue healing, impression transfer and provisional restorations

• Adequate restorative profiles for esthetic emergencies

• MTX surface for increased bone apposition

Tapered Screw-Vent® Implants

The Tapered Screw-Vent (TSV) implant has earned the trust of thousands of surgeons throughout the world for delivering successful outcomes to their patients. This success is well documented by 130 peer-reviewed papers and a 98.7% cumulative survival rate.

• Triple-lead threads are designed to achieve intimate bone contact at implant placement.

• The soft-bone surgical protocol enables both bone compression and provides additional stability in poor quality sites.

• In dense bone, the stepped finishing drill enables apical bone engagement for initial stability.

• High degree of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and osteoconductive capacity.

• Successful clinical results under immediate loading conditions.

The LOCATOR® System for overdentures with implants

It features a drastically reduced vertical height for patient comfort when extracting the prosthesis, as well as higher prosthesis resistance.

• The drastically reduced vertical height of the LOCATOR attachment provides comfort to the patient when the prosthesis is extracted.

• Proven RBM roughened texture along the entire length of the implant.

• Self-tapping for ease of insertion and increased stability.

• Available in 2.4 and 2.9 mm diameters, and 10, 12 or 14 mm lengths for placement in all crests.

* Product available in the Caribbean

Tapered Implant Surgical Kits and Components Assembly (QNTSK)

Tapered Implant Surgical Kits and Components Assembly – Premium QNTSK Kit

• Tapered implant surgical tray • Tapered implant dense bone tap kit
Note: Tapping in dense bone is required. Exceeding an insertion torque of more than 90 Ncm may deform or strip the driver tip or the implant’s external hex, and may possibly delay the surgical procedure. Please refer to the Surgical Manual.
* Product available in the Caribbean and Costa Rica

TSV Surgical Kit

This is a unique temporary surgical block with all the instruments needed for implant placement. The Zimmer instrument kit system is conveniently adaptable to your individual needs.

• Everything is logically organized with an intuitive instrument flow that complements the surgical sequence for each implant diameter.

• Flexible. Simple. Convenient: for all individual needs and surgical styles.

• Temporary surgical block: a unique temporary surgical block allows for placement of a subset of instruments close within easy reach.

Short T3® implant surgical kit

Surgical kit
  • A compact kit with everything needed to place a T3 short implant
  • Specific instrumentation for T3 short implants
  • The drilling sequence undersizes the osteotomy in diameter by 1.15 mm
  • 5.0 mm diameter implants: Yellow Path
  • 6.0 mm diameter implants: Green Path
Flat bottom countersink shaping drill
  • Flat bottom countersink shaping drill for preparing an osteotomy that matches the size of the implant.
Dense bone taps ACT twist drills
  • Based on the standard-length ACT drills design
* Product available in the Caribbean
The Navigator® System for Guided surgery

Provides accuracy of pre-planning and implant placement for appropriate implant spacing in multiple-unit cases and with neighboring dentition.

• Angulation for improved restorative outcomes.

• Hex orientation for immediate provisionalization.

• Depth control for security when working near vital anatomy.

• Position control for soft tissue maintenance.

* Product available in the Caribbean and Costa Rica
Zimmer® Guided Surgery

Zimmer Dental offers solutions focused on predictability, reduced risk and enhanced outcomes:

  • 3D treatment planning of your Tapered Screw-Vent case.
  • Implant site preparation with the Zimmer Guided Surgery instrumentation.
  • Aesthetic restorations.

Minimum additional instruments needed for a guided surgery upgrade:

  • Updated Dríva™ drills in the main surgical kit and additional-length Dríva EG Drills in the Zimmer Drill Module designed to interface with selected surgical guides and provide depth control.
  • All four lengths of Dríva Drills fit in one instrument kit to accommodate both traditional and guided procedures.
  • Tube Adapters, included in the Zimmer Tube Adapter Kit, help to orient drills, facilitating positional and angulation control.


  • Compatibility with industry-leading case planning software and surgical guide manufacturers.

Particulate Allograft
Cortical Puros®

Building bones naturally.

• Multi-surface long-lasting regeneration.

• Clinical success.

• Remodels into a dense lamellar structure without sacrificing ridge contour and into natural viable bone with similar density to native bone.

• Safe and easy to use.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

Puros® Cancellous Particulate Allograft

The natural choice for healthy bone growth.

• Proven  and predictable regeneration.

•Natural and easy to use.

• Easy handling: quick hydration, five-year shelf life and room-temperature storage.

• Sterilized and preserved using the proprietary Tutoplast® process.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

Puros® Allograft particulate mix

The best of both worlds.

• The particulate Puros Allograft is an anatomic based mix of cortical and cancellous bone particulate.

•Easy handling: quick hydration, five-year shelf life and room-temperature storage.

• Safety and performance you expect from the Puros brand.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

Puros® Block Allograft

Changing the concept of block grafting

• Documented graft and implant success rates make it a viable alternative to autogenous block grafting.

• Saves time, helps to reduce pain and can shorten the patient’s rehabilitation period by eliminating the need to harvest an autogenous graft.

• Easy handling: quick hydration, five-year shelf life and room-temperature storage.

• Sterilized and preserved using the proprietary Tutoplast process, Puros Block Allograft offers a high-quality option for bone regeneration.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

Puros® Allograft Putty

Puros demineralized bone matrix (DBM) Putty with Chips

This moldable putty comprises 100% demineralized allograft and is sterilized using the proprietary Cancelle SP® DBM Sterilization Process. This process sterilizes DBM Putty and Putty with Chips while inactivating or removing bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores, but preserves the biological integrity and natural collagen structure of bone. Puros DBM Putty with Chips has both cancellous and cortical mineralized chips for osseoconductivity as well as osseoinductive potential.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

** Findings from an in vivo rat assay are not necessary predictive of human clinical results.

RegenaVate® DBM

RegenaVate DBM Fill contains demineralized bone matrix (DBM) in a porcine gelatin carrier. The DBM is “flowable” at 45°C and is a resilient solid at body temperature.

• Packaged in convenient syringes for ease of use.

• The DBM is tested for osseoconductivity* in a scientifically-proven in vivo rat assay.

• The clinician can control product consistency: gel, paste or putty.

• Flowable DBM provides unique handling flexibility.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

**These implants were evaluated in a human clinical study and were shown to induce bone formation. Each lot is tested using the athymic nude rat assay to verify osseoconductivity potential.

RegenerOss® Allograft Putty

Easy grafting!

• Ideal handling: the lecithin carrier provides a moldable vehicle for containing and transporting allograft bone granules.

• Osseoinductive and osseoconductive. RegenerOss Allograft Putty Plus is comprised of a mixture of DBM and mineralized allograft to facilitate the regeneration of new bone.

• Simple syringe delivery. The ergonomic design features a small diameter syringe with a curved tip for easy access to defect sites.

*Product not available in Costa Rica

RegenerOss® Resorbable Xenograft

RegenerOss Resorbable Xenograft – Porcine Anorganic Bone Mineral

• Carbonate Apatite Bone Graft Substitute: RegenerOss Resorbable Xenograft is a porcine-derived carbonate apatite intended for bone repair and regeneration for oral surgical procedures.

•Creating the right environment: RegenerOss Resorbable Xenograft is highly porous which allows in-growth of blood vessels that provide adequate supply of nutrients, delivery of cells and growth factors necessary for osseous tissue formation.

• Ideal Porous Osteoconductive Scaffold: The osteoconductive surface and porous structure of RegenerOss Resorbable Xenograft allow for new bone formation, both around and within the particle.

CopiOs® Cancellous Particulate Xenograft

A Xenograft treatment similar to Allograft

• CopiOs® Cancellous Particulate Xenografts are mineralized particulate cancellous bovine bone chips indicated for large and small bone defects.

• Alternative to autogenous bone: Sterilized and preserved using the proprietary Tutoplast Process, CopiOs Cancellous Particulate Xenografts offer a high-quality option for successful bone regeneration.

• Alternative to autogenous bone: CopiOs Cancellous Particulate Xenografts have been reported to be a viable alternative to autogenous bone grafts.

IngeniOs® HA Synthetic Bone Graf Substitutes

The longer-lasting* synthetic choice for bone regeneration.

IngeniOs HA is a next-generation, synthetic hydroxyapatite, with high porosity and surface area for osteointegration. It is an alternative to traditional hydroxyapatite products of human or bovine origin that provides long term volume stability.

• Augmentation of the atrophied alveolar ridge
• Highly stable implant beds
• Socket preservation
• Buccal wall defects
• Other multi-walled defects of the alveolar process
• Sinus lift

IngeniOs® β-TCP Bone Graft Substitute

The resorbable, synthetic choice for bone regeneration.

IngeniOs Silicated ß-TCP is an advanced silicated ß-TCP formulation of biocompatible, osteoconductive material for bone regeneration. The grafting material is made from synthetic, silicated pure-phase beta tricalcium phosphate, providing the potential for increased bioactivity and rapid scaffold mineralization.

• Socket preservation
• Augmentation or reconstructive treatment of the alveolar ridge
• Filling of intra-bony periodontal defects
• Filling of defects after root resection, apicoectomy and cystectomy
• Sinus lift/elevation of the maxillary sinus floor

Impression Coping

Pick-Up and Twist Lock™ Transfer Copings are available in the Certain internal connection design in three EP® (Emergence Profile) diameters and a straight diameter to match the corresponding healing abutment. The Impression Copings also “click” when properly seated. These copings have a different finger design that engages 2 mm internally into the implant, as compared to the abutment’s design that engages 4 mm deep into the implant.

PreFormance® Temporary Cylinders

Ease of use and versatility

• Components can be immediately customized to a patient’s anatomical profile. • Components are made of polymer material for easy preparation.

Prosthetic flexibility

• Available for implant and abutment-level provisional restorations. • Available in internal and external hex connections.

Temporary Cylinders

• Indicated for screw-retained restorations. • Knurled surface for mechanical retention of resin restorative material.

Titanium Temporary Cylinders

Material: Titanium alloy connection


• Single and multiple-unit screw-retained provisional restorations

• Minimum interarch space of 6 mm

• Maximum angulation of 15°

• Immediate non-occlusal loading of single-unit provisional restorations

• Multiple-unit restorations will require an evaluation of prosthesis support to minimize the load on the provisional abutments

• Occlusal loading of single and multiple-unit restorations of integrated implants for guided tissue healing

FlexLink ® TiBase

The FlexLink TiBase is designed for digital and traditional procedures with both screw- and cement-retained applications.

• Clinicians and laboratory partners require aesthetic solutions that provide restorative flexibility and implant/abutment connection strength. FlexLink TiBase can help clinicians achieve aesthetic restorations that can be sustained over time in various biotypes and challenging cases.

• The FlexLink TiBase solution combines the proven T3® surgical platform with a broad restorative portfolio to provide lab flexibility in treatment solution planning.

Low profile Abutments and Components

The solution designed to provide clinicians with more space.
Screw-retained restorations have a long history of documentation in implant dentistry. These abutments provide clearer access to, and retrievability of, single and multiple -unit implant restorations.
In addition, certain patient situations may require the benefits of screw-retained restorations such as full mouth reconstruction and immediate loading techniques

UCLA Abutments and Components

The UCLA Abutment is a castable abutment offered with a machined gold alloy base or in a fully castable version. It may be used for single or multi-unit screw or cement-retained restorations. It may correct angles up to 30 degrees when cast as a custom abutment.

• Single and multiple-unit restorations Machined Gold Alloy Cylinder With Plastic Unitube

• Minimum interarch space of 4 mm

• For aesthetic restorations when tissue is limited

GingiHue® Posts

* Designed to deliver optimal aesthetic results with ease of use

EP® (Emergence Profile) dimensions and a gold-colored titanium nitride coating provide for a natural blend with the soft tissue adjacent to the porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations.

Normally used for crowns and bridges

In areas of even soft-tissue margins, the GingiHue® abutment may only need minor adjustments for interocclusal clearance.

In areas of variable soft-tissue height, the GingiHue abutment may be prepared to follow gingival contours to maximize aesthetic outcomes and peri-implant soft-tissue health.

PreFormance® Posts

Ease of Use and Versatility

• Components can be immediately customized to a patient’s anatomical profile

• Components are made of polymer material for easy preparation

Prosthetic flexibility

• Available for implant and abutment-level provisional restorations

• Available in internal and external hex connections

PreFormance® Post

• For use with cement-retained restorations

• Available in straight or 15° pre-angled for easy angle correction

• Smooth surface for easy provisional reline

• Flat side for anti-rotation

BellaTek® Encode®Impression System

The BellaTek® Encode® Impression System provides optimized solutions to dentists by eliminating the need for implant level impressions, which streamlines the treatment process for the surgeon, restorative clinician and laboratory. In addition, patients have a better experience and a beautiful aesthetic outcome.

• Hard and soft-tissue maintenance: No need to remove the healing abutment, preserving tissue and resulting in aesthetic outcomes

• Customized treatment solutions: Choose a simple impression method above the gingiva to create aesthetic BellaTek Patient Specific Abutments in titanium and gold-colored titanium nitride

FOR TECHNICIANS – Zfx GenTek Restorations and Open Digital Workflows

The GenTek™ Restorative Components are the solution for anyone who uses genuine Zimmer Biomet Dental implants. As part of an open digital workflow, the genuine connection Ti-Bases and Pre-milled Abutment Blanks ensure the highest product quality and a precise fit through the integration of proven Zimmer Biomet Dental technologies. GenTek™ Restorative Components are available for Zimmer Holdings Certain ® implant systems Certain®, External Hex, TSV™ / Trabecular Metal™ and Eztetic®.


Part of a long tradition of excellence, Bien-Air contra-angles have DuaLook dual glass rod lighting, three separate Accu-Spray air/water sprays that ensure perfect nebulization, as well as the ultra-precise Accu-Chuck locking and drive technology. 

• CA 1:5 L Micro-Series

• CA 1:1 L Micro-Series

• CA 20:1 L Micro-Series / CA 20:1 L KM Micro-Series

• CA 1:5 l / CA 1:5

• CA 1:1 l / CA 1:1

The advantages of the electric hand piece over its air-driven counterpart are most apparent when measuring a dental practice’s efficiency and productivity. Because of its high cutting power and constant torque, the electric hand piece allows for procedures to be completed faster. The advantages of the electrical hand piece against its pneumatic equivalent are more evident when we measure the productivity and efficacy of dental practice. Due to its high cutting power and constant par, the electrical hand piece allows completing interventions at greater speed.

• Bi-directional action

• SmartLogic Control

• Ball bearings are greased for life

• Brushless technology

• CA 1:1 l / CA 1:1

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Costa Rica


Quality-1 Export, Inc
6382 NW 97 Ave
Doral, Fl 33178
Phone: +1 305 593-0860
Fax: +1 305 477-3062

Costa Rica

Quality-1 Export, Inc
Address: 150mts Oeste del Restaurante
El Fogoncito, Rohrmoser, Edif 2 pisos.
Phone. +506-2220-3550


Pharmed Sales de Honduras, S.A.
Address: Col. Modelo, Zona 52, casa
#2302, 1 cuadra al este de Gasolinera
Puma Las Torres, 5ta call.
Phone. +504-2233-2908 / +504-2233-2943


Quality-1 Export, Inc
6382 NW 97 Ave
Doral, Fl 33178
Phone: +1 305 593-0860
Fax: +1 305 477-3062

Costa Rica

Quality-1 Export, Inc
Address: 150mts Oeste del Restaurante
El Fogoncito, Rohrmoser, Edif 2 pisos.
Phone. +506-2220-3550


Pharmed Sales de Honduras, S.A.
Address: Col. Modelo, Zona 52, casa
#2302, 1 cuadra al este de Gasolinera
Puma Las Torres, 5ta call.
Phone. +504-2233-2908 / +504-2233-2943


Quality-1 Export, Inc. Address: Centro Comercial Plaza Balboa, Floor 2, office 28, Paitilla, San Francisco. Phone. +507-263-3261 +507-263-3262


Quality-1 Export, Inc.
Address: Semáforos de la Vicky 1c. al Norte, 1c. al Este.Casa # 154 – Managua, Nicaragua
Phone. +505 2225-2112


Quality-1 Export, Inc.
Address: Semáforos de la Vicky 1c. al Norte, 1c. al Este.Casa # 154 – Managua, Nicaragua
Phone. +505 2225-2112


Quality-1 Export, Inc.
Address: Centro Comercial Plaza Balboa, Floor 2, office 28, Paitilla, San Francisco.
Phone. +507-263-3261 / +507-263-3262




We provide quality to health professionals through our products and services, which in turn allows us to offer timely and effective solutions for the quality of life of patients.






We are committed to honesty and transparency in our actions.



We work with passion as a team in order to reach our goals.



We fulfill the expectations of our clients and reward with justice the efforts and loyalty of all the members of our team.



We are committed to tenacity until we conclude what we set ourselves to do with responsibility.



We promote a healthy and peaceful coexistence between the members of our company and society.



We strive to better serve our clients by using innovative products and services.

With our multiple offices, we are the best option for the import-export and distribution of medical devices and pharmaceutical products into Central America and the Caribbean



Compliance manual

We have created a manual that successfully contains the following:
  • The ethical values that will guide our actions.
  • The behavior expected by our significant stakeholders.
  • Specific principles and conduct expected by the stakeholders.
  • Guidelines for compliance with the manual and channels for communicating concerns, doubts or feedback.
Please contact us if you have any questions at:

Code of Ethics

This is the specific expression of our culture and ethical values. It implies a conduct and behavioral guide, and it reaffirms our will to preserve the best honesty and integrity standards. It also helps us improve what we were already doing right. ​​It is clear for all that corporate ethics has become an essential part for the sustainability of our organizations, as well as for contributing in a positive way to the industry we work for.



Country: Honduras and Nicaragua

Products: Stents and Catheters

The cardiovascular area focuses on the marketing of drug-eluting stents, drug-coated stents and metallic stents, as well as angioplasty catheters for the treatment of coronary heart disease.


Country: Honduras, Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Nicaragua.
Products: Aferesis and Blood bags.

The TERUMO transfusion products have earned their excellent international reputation thanks to relentless research, their corporate philosophy focused on quality and state-of-the-art technology for the benefit of donors, the medical staff and the patients.


Country: Honduras

Products: Trauma, Knees, Hips, Shoulders, Elbows, Feet and Ankles.

Manufacturing and marketing surgical and non-surgical products used mainly by orthopedic surgeons and other specialists in musculoskeletal medicine.

Country: Costa Rica

CONMED is leader in Arthroscopy, Surgical Orthopedic Instruments and Medical Video Systems that satisfy the endoscopic needs of today’s arthroscopists and remaining general surgeons.  CONMED was the first US Company to develop and manufacture bioabsorbible devices for soft tissue fixation.


Countries: Panama, Honduras and Costa Rica

Zimmer Biomet Spine is a world leader in spine innovations, devoted to improve the quality of life of spine patients worldwide by means of delivering comprehensive thoracolumbar, cervical, biological and implantable solutions, as well as training and clinical support for surgeons.  

Country: Honduras

Products: Minimally Invasive Solutions.

Elliquence is a brand well known for enabling the preservation of healthy tissue, which results in fewer traumas, minimization of scar tissue formation, reduction of post-operatory pain and early return to a productive lifestyle.


Country: Central America

Products: Ophthalmological line free of preservatives (except Panama). In-hospital medications. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

Laboratorio de Productos Éticos (Ethical Products Laboratory) was founded in 1984 for the purpose of making novelty molecules available to medical professionals, thus competing from the start with multinational laboratories and becoming the first Paraguayan pharmaceutical company to export to other countries.  

Country: El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Caribbean, except Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.
Products: Surgical, Regenerative and Restorative Solutions.

The Zimmer Biomet Dental Division is pushing the limits of progress to help you achieve exceptional outcomes for your patients and your practice. Our visionary solutions, world-class education opportunities and unprecedented service are ready to carry you beyond expectations. Together, everything is possible.

Country: Latin America and the Caribbean.
Products: Turbines, contra-angles and straight hand pieces, micromotors and motor controllers.

A Swiss company with headquarters in Bienne since 1959, Bien-Air Dental, develops instruments for the different fields of dental medicine. Renowned by the quality of their products, the objective of Bien-Air is to simplify the daily work of professionals.

Quality-1 Export, Inc. with its Quality-1 Holding, Inc. company with headquarters in Miami, as well as their branch offices and affiliates, have engaged for over 35 years in the field of health in Central America and the Caribbean, serving the segments of Orthopedics, Dentistry, Cardiology, Spine, Transfusions and Pharmaceuticals through the representation of leading brands in the field, such as Zimmer-Biomet (Orthopedics and Dental), Conmed, Terumo BCT, Biosensors, Elliquence, to name a few.

In searching for exceptional patient outcomes, we acknowledge the importance of the continuous education of our physicians. As a result, our brands provide world-class educational opportunities in learning facilities throughout the world. Our specialized courses focus on current and emergent procedures, technology and products that allow overcoming the needs of their patients and their medical practice.




Costa Rica


Foundation year
Years of experience as distributors
Representative offices